Case Study 1:
Manufacturing Company


Custom profit sharing solution maximizes owner contributions and defers substantial tax liability

Vehicle: Profit Sharing Plan

Challenge: Recently, three owners of a small manufacturing company were looking for the proper way to reduce their taxes, save for retirement, and provide a meaningful benefit to a specific group of employees.

Solution: JC Actuarial Benefit Consultants, Inc. researched the client’s business up front, and took time to understand the specific financial goals of its owners. Based on our findings and analysis, we designed a custom Profit Sharing plan that allowed each owner to contribute $61,000 of pre-tax money into their retirement plan. This plan also provided a contribution level equal to 10% of compensation to a certain group of employees, while providing the minimum required contribution to everyone else.

Results: Our custom-designed Profit Sharing plan helped the company’s owners reap nearly $350,000 in tax-deferred savings in one year, while helping them to retain their most valuable employees.